
Quant At Risk Articles and Library

Quant at Risk resources grew in volume, knowledge, and usefulness since 2012. We sincerely recommend You to explore the library of our Articles as listed below. Join us to learn more on centralised and decentralised finance through our comprehensive writing!

Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, and Crypto-Risk Management

In Search for Stablecoin’s Perfect Peg: Application of Negative Hypergeometric Distribution
Vol-of-Vol for Crypto-Derivative Products
Hacking 1-Minute Cryptocurrency Candlesticks: (3) Making Asynchronous 5-Sec Prices-Series Aligned
Hacking 1-Minute Cryptocurrency Candlesticks: (2) Custom Candlestick Charts in Plotly
Hacking 1-Minute Cryptocurrency Candlesticks: (1) Capturing Binance Exchange Live Data Stream
Breaking Altcoins’ Grip to Bitcoin
Top N Crypto-Assets by MarketCap for Crypto-Portfolio Backtesting Purposes in Python
The Rules of Investing in Crypto-Assets
The Longest Winning Streak for Bitcoin
Czekanowski Index-Based Similarity as Alternative Correlation Measure in N-Asset Portfolio Analysis
Built on ETH Blockchain: Inspecting Profitability of Emerging Crypto-Coins since their Inception
Where Can You Trade Cryptocurrencies using Fiat Currencies?
Introduction to Sell-Off Analysis for Crypto-Assets: Triggered by Bitcoin?
Crypto vs Fiat Currency: (1) Where is it Traded?
Crypto vs Fiat Currency: (2) Does Bitcoin Always Co-Move at All Crypto-Exchanges?
Probing Price Momentum of Bitcoin during its Bull Runs with a Piecewise Linear Model
Earning or Losing Money in Cryptocurrencies with Revolut: Simulated Trading for Bitcoin
Does It Make Sense to Use 1-Hour 1% VaR and ES for Bitcoin?
Scanning Crypto-Exchanges for Available Cryptocurrency Close Price Time-Series
Tracking Bitcoin Gains since its 3rd Halving in May 2020 with Python
How to Design Intraday Algo-Trading Model for Cryptocurrencies using Bitcoin-based Signals?
How to Predict Bitcoin Price with Deep Learning LSTM Network
Earning Money in Cryptocurrency Markets by Spotting Statistical Arbitrage Opportunities
N-CryptoAsset Portfolios: Identifying Highly Correlated Cryptocurrencies using PCA
Cryptocurrency Time-Series for N-CryptoAsset Portfolio Analysis in Python
Hacking True Random Numbers in Python: Blockchain Miners

Classical Digital Signal Processing for Finance

Structure Function: Forgotten Detection Tool for Periodic Signals in Non-Stationary Processes
Introduction to Matching Pursuit Algorithm with Stochastic Dictionaries

Financial Risk Modeling

Quantitative Analysis of a Sample Drawn from the Unknown Continuous Population
Modelling Slippage for Limit Orders using Adaptive KDE-based Loss Severity Distribution (1)
Black Swan and Extreme Loss Modeling
Probability of Black Swan Events at NYSE
Extreme VaR for Portfolio Managers
Predicting Heavy and Extreme Losses in Real-Time for Portfolio Holders (1)
Predicting Heavy and Extreme Losses in Real-Time for Portfolio Holders (2)
Non-Linear Cross-Bicorrelations between the Oil Prices and Stock Fundamentals
Recalibrating Expected Shortfall to Match Value-at-Risk for Discrete Distributions
Conditional Value-at-Risk in the Normal and Student t Linear VaR Model
Modern Time Analysis of Black Swans
VaR and Expected Shortfall vs. Black Swan
Applied Portfolio VaR Decomposition. (1) Marginal and Component VaR.
Applied Portfolio VaR Decomposition. (2) Impact vs Moving Elements.
Applied Portfolio VaR Decomposition. (3) Incremental VaR and Portfolio Revaluation.
Performance-related Risk Measures
Quantitative Risk Assessment Model for Investment Options
Dutch Book: Making a Riskless Profit
Probability of Financial Ruin
Walsh–Hadamard Transform and Tests for Randomness of Financial Return-Series
Fast Walsh–Hadamard Transform in Python

Machine and Deep Learning in Finance

Setup of Keras and TensorFlow 2.1+ for Deep Learning in Python
How to Predict Bitcoin Price with Deep Learning LSTM Network

Operational Risk Management

Shapley Value Allocation of Operational Risk Capital Charges using Airport Problem Solution
Computation of the Loss Distribution not only for Operational Risk Managers

Portfolio Theory and its Applications

Extreme VaR for Portfolio Managers
N-CryptoAsset Portfolios: Identifying Highly Correlated Cryptocurrencies using PCA
Cryptocurrency Time-Series for N-CryptoAsset Portfolio Analysis in Python
Asset Allocation for Tangent Portfolio with Risk-Free Asset in Python
Covariance Matrix for N-Asset Portfolio fed by Quandl in Python
Pre-Processing of Asset Price Series for Portfolio Optimization
Roy’s Safety-First Criterion in Portfolio Optimization Problem
Information Ratio and its Relative Strength for Portfolio Managers
Riskless Diversification
2-Asset Portfolio Construction
Final Frontier of Efficient Frontier
Measure of Risk of any Security in Equilibrium
Coskewness and Cokurtosis Computation for Portfolio Managers
Simulation of Portfolio Value using Geometric Brownian Motion Model

Building a Model and Backtesting

How to Design Intraday Algo-Trading Model for Cryptocurrencies using Bitcoin-based Signals?
Modelling Slippage for Limit Orders using Adaptive KDE-based Loss Severity Distribution (1)
Financial Time-Series Segmentation Based On Turning Points in Python
Gap-on-Open Profitable Trading Strategy
GARCH(1,1) Model in Python
GARCH(p,q) Model and Exit Strategy for Intraday Algorithmic Traders
Ideal Stock Trading Model for the Purpose of Backtesting Only
Trend Identification for FX Traders
Trend Identification for FX Traders (Part 2)
Model for Dividend Backtesting
Market Fear Detection Model for Stock Traders based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Slippage in Model Backtesting

Trade Execution

Number of Shares for Limit Orders
Probability of a Limit Order Executing

Financial Data Acquisition, Processing, and Handling

Can ChatGPT Self-Improve Self-Written Python Code for Cholesky Decomposition?
Employing Human-Order in pandas DataFrame Sorting: Risk Factors and Tenorsn
Recovery of Financial Price-Series based on Daily Returns Matrix in Python
Hacking Google Finance in Real-Time for Algorithmic Traders. (1)
Hacking Google Finance in Real-Time for Algorithmic Traders. (2) Pre-Market Trading.
How to Get a List of all NASDAQ Securities as a CSV file using Python?
How to Find a Company Name given a Stock Ticker Symbol utilising Quandl API
Pre-Processing of Asset Price Series for Portfolio Optimization
Create a Portfolio of Stocks based on Google Finance Data fed by Quandl
Get the Data of Fund Performance directly into Excel utilizing VBA and Google
How to Find a Company Name given a Stock Ticker Symbol utilising Quandl API
Rebinning Tick-Data for FX Algo Traders
Rebinning of Financial Time-Series
Accessing a SQL Server database in Matlab and the use of FTS objects
Extracting Time-Series from Tick-Data
Continuous Measure of Time
Bank Format of Numbers in Matlab

Reviews and Book Reviews

Book Review: Python for Finance Cookbook, 2nd Ed. by Eryk Lewinson

Quant After Hours Articles

GPU-Accelerated Finance in Python with NumbaPro Library. Really?
Predicting Next Fatal Airline Crash in Python
Detecting Human Fear in Electronic Trading: Emotional Quantum Entanglement
Logistic Regression Analysis of Quant’s Resume during His Job Interview
5 Words on How To Write A Quant Blog
Quants, NumPy, and LOTTO
Deriving Limits in Python


External Quant Resources
Quantocracy: Quant Mashup
